Fw: David Limbaugh at UNCW

From: Innovatia <dennis@innovatia.com>
Date: Sat Oct 09 2004 - 17:17:00 EDT

From: <jwburgeson@juno.com>

> Dennis: "So far, I have yet to find another ASAer who has really picked
> up a
> shovel."
> I have one, Dennis. ...

Hey John,

I have no real dispute with your comments (tend to agree), but (and I really
don't mean to be condescending in saying this, though it will sound that
way) they remind me of the level of political issues I was concerning myself
with before I did the full-year '98-99 study of the world-system. I know I
must be sounding a bit hackneyed referring back to the conclusions of my
findings in XLM, but it would explain why most Xns are hacking at the
branches, not the root of evil in politics - and you can have a brand new
Winzipped Web-browser-accessed email copy absolutely free or your money
back! (Pardon the parody.)

Look, Bush, Kerry - these people came from somewhere. They are not random
presidential candidates. They are not the people they are known to be from
TV sound-bites. Neither were any of the others, at least back to Jackson, if
FDR is right. Get a copy of Carroll Quigley's book Tragedy and Hope
(amazon.com usually has used copies) for a serious treatment of 20th century
political history. He was an Insider himself so he is not tarred with the
Establishment brush used on the JBS or others who have also done some good
digging. XLM has other references. Take your pick. Not a few, like Quigley,
are distinguished scholars or Insiders themselves telling non-secretive but
non-propagated truths about what has gone on behind the curtain of Oz.

Now that you have that shovel in your hands, start digging!

By the way, to relate this to sci/Xny, I have found that
scientists/engineers, whom I regard as generally more alert than the
populace generally, are no more on top of the nature of the world-system
than plumbers and driving instructors. I wonder why. Maybe science is too
much influenced by govt = Establishment people handing out free candy - with
attitudes. Maybe science/tech is too hard to do along with diligent study of
the world-system.

Also, I have noticed that ASA has not much addressed politics. With our wide
definition of science, isn't everything science? Family science? Political
science? There's a dept in most universities with that name. (This must
drive Terry Gray, our esteemed list manager, nuts!) And isn't Christianity
politics? Anyone in the first-century Roman empire would have taken "Jesus
is Lord" as at least a political assertion, and seditious at that, as F.F.
Bruce has ably written about.

Just wondering, though slightly off the topic we were discussing.

Dennis Feucht
Received on Sat Oct 9 17:20:14 2004

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