Fw: David Limbaugh at UNCW

From: Innovatia <dennis@innovatia.com>
Date: Fri Oct 01 2004 - 14:23:05 EDT

From: "Sarah Berel-Harrop" <sec@hal-pc.org>

> A funny thing about David Limbaugh:
> There was a case in California I think where a group within a church
> did not like the minister and collected petitions to call for a
> meeting
> to discuss the minister; the board refused to hold the meeting &
> ultimately expelled them from the church. They sued, and the court
> decided that the expulsion was improper. Limbaugh picked this up as
> an example of Christian persecution. In his editorial, he took the
> position, that was promugated by the group that was doing the legal
> work for the church, that this was a bunch of liberals who didn't
> like the conservative teachings of the minister and they were
> horning in on the church, trying to make the minister liberalize
> the church, and that the secular court was supporting them because
> of its animus against Christians.
> Unfortunately, that's not exactly true. The World did an article on
> this situtation. It turns out the group that was expelled was a bunch
> of oldtimers who didn't like that the services were done in a
> contemporary mode. What the church's advocacy group is putting
> out is almost the exact opposite of what happened per the World
> article. And, I think everyone ought to be concerned about the
> concept that you can join a church, follow the by-laws when airing
> a concern, have the by-laws disregarded and then be expelled, (maybe
> that process even was not in accord with the bylaws), and you have
> no recourse. While that may be legally proper in states other than
> California, where apparently there was some kind of property right
> for the members associated with the legal entity that the church
> was formed as, it seems like extremely bad governance.

Any putative Christian church that would entangle itself with the State as a
501(c)3 organization and consequently become subject to the State courts
(not Christ) in all things is beyond me - a symptom of the apostate church
in our time. Why would the church property not be put in the name of its
rightful owner, Jesus Christ? Then it wouldn't be an issue. (And yes, you
can do that under human law.)

Dennis Feucht
Received on Fri Oct 1 14:54:11 2004

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