Fw: Energy article from BBC news

From: Innovatia <dennis@innovatia.com>
Date: Sat Jul 31 2004 - 11:23:34 EDT

From: "Glenn Morton" <glennmorton@entouch.net>

Glenn drew the conclusion:

> Just another couple of years and demand will far outstrip supply. God help
> children and grandchildren.

Some of us on this list concur with Glenn's viewpoint. As Christians and
ASAers, the question then arises as to what we should do in response. Some
possibilities are:

1. Wring our hands and discuss the situation.
2. Start doing something about it, aided by the associations we have
through ASA and this listserver.

The first category is not useless, for through it, others become aware that
there is a problem, and that might contribute to # 2. This list-server
discussion might contribute toward that end while informing us of the

In the second category, some possibilities are:

1. Provide technical ideas for student and grad-degree projects in
alternative energy, such as solar thermal electric systems.

2. Encourage the ASA Global Resources & Environment Commission and CEST
(Christian Engineers & Scientists in Technology) to sound out their
memberships for interest in prototype development of a viable alternative
energy system. Incidentally, ASA Council member Ken Touryan manages govt
alternative energy research.

3. Write a piece for the ASA journal on the subject. (Glenn has described
the situation there before.)

4. For those with skills in alternative energy systems development, work on
such a project commercially and/or on a hobby basis with a small group of

I am doing # 4, contemplating # 3, might do # 2 (though ASA Commissions to
date appear to be more organization than action), and will combine # 1 into
# 4. I am interested in off-list collaboration with anyone (students,
academicians, industry/govt/NPO engineers or scientists, retirees)
interested in providing technical/scientific contributions to a project I
have started, the development of a solar thermal electric system (STES) - in
particular, anyone who has some knoweldge of thermodynamic working fluids in
the 100 to 300 deg C range.

As the oil situation worsens, there is new hope for thermal-to-electric
conversion devices. At present, advances have been made in increasing
efficiency (to over 4 %) of thermocouples (thermoelectric modules, or TEMs)
(www.hi-z.com), such as those found in car coolers, to where it is feasible
to use them to produce electricity from heat, which (unlike electric charge)
is cheap to store at high density. Also under development are thermionic and
electron quantum-tunneling devices, the latter being funded by Rolls Royce
(www.powerchips.gi), with prototype devices showing 15 % efficiency. That is
sufficient to replace automobile engines. A STES designed using TEMs can be
retrofitted in the future with the higher-efficiency devices.

Are any of you involved in alternative energy development at present? If so,
I at least would be interested to hear what you are doing.

Dennis Feucht
Received on Sat Jul 31 14:52:30 2004

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