Re: Genesis 1:1 - a standing miracle

From: Gary Collins <>
Date: Tue Jul 20 2004 - 05:53:56 EDT

On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 19:28:27 +0100, Michael Roberts wrote:

>A mathematical comment on the common 6 + 1 literary devices . When you use
>maths to the base 60 !/1, !/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6 are integers giving
>60,30,20,15,12, 10 and this could give the 7 day week etc.
>If this is so then it means that "Moses/J/P " borrowed from non-judaistic
>Babylonian culture. Oh deary me.
>Longing to hear what false assumptions geologists have!! Except that we are
>all heathen

Ah, yes, that makes a lot of sense. Reminds me of the reason Alan Turing
gave for preferring our old UK currency system œsd to decimal. With 240
pence to the pound, a pound was exactly divisible by 2,3,4,5,6,8,10,12 and
so on, so it was easier to evenly split a restaurant bill. (Though personally
I'm not sure how often a restaurant bill would come to a round number of
pounds! But I take his point.)

Received on Tue Jul 20 06:09:26 2004

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