The Faculties of the Soul (was Re: The Iota Subscript)

Date: Mon Nov 03 2003 - 13:47:05 EST

  • Next message: Robert Schneider: "Re: A man of mud Re: Academics who actively support Young Earth Creationism"

    Dr. Nelson has reduced the fundamental all-encompassing question about the
    meaning of the supernatural structure of Holy Scripture to the cogent and
    pithy question of "So what?". Please understand I am "not trying to be flip"
    any more than he was when he wrote the following:

    So there is some "tri-radiant cruciform halo"?
    What, in practical terms, does that mean?
    Does it mean we should do something other
    than what we currently do? Does it provide
    some insight into the life of Jesus? Does it
    provide additional moral law? What, exactly, once I
    have seen this amazing structure, does it do
    for me other than give me another instance to
    say, "wow, God is pretty amazing?" I am not
    trying to be flip, but IMHO you haven't answered
    the "so, what?" question, yet.

    I respect these as honest questions. Jim Armstrong raised a similar issue
    when he said he could not "see a real God-purpose" for such a design in
    Scripture. My explanation to him began by pointing out that the inability to
    immediately intuit the significance of divine design in Scripture is an
    historical anomaly due largely to the current intellectual fashion that
    discourages its serious study. I went on to attempt to open his eyes to what
    should be (imHo) extremely plain and obvious to anybody. I quote my answer
    from post

    Any child can appreciate the simple Circle as the ideal symbol of things
    divine, eternal, and perfect. When enlightened by God's Spirit, the impact
    overwhelming. The full integrity and divine unity of all Scripture is now
    *visually* evident. It glorifies God and His Word beyond measure and reveals
    the Bible as a great work of divine Art. The radial and bilateral symmetry
    displayed in the Canon Wheel forms a stunning image of the tri-radiant
    cruciform halo used since the 6th century to indicate Deity in Christian
    iconography. This means that the Cross of Christ - the central message of
    all Scripture - is also the basis of its geometric design! The implications
    are staggering. The Wheel reveals more than just the supernatural unity of
    the Holy Bible; it reveals the form of the unity itself as a work of Divine
    Art, an icon of the very Faith taught within its pages!
    ===End Quote===

    Yet this is, of course, just the beginning. The implications are truly
    infinite. Excuse me for being indelicate, but questions of immediate
    practical application posed by Dr. Nelson sound to me like an illiterate
    plumber's first encounter with Special Relativity, who says:

    "E = mc^2? So what? That's not gonna change the way I stick my pipes
    together! What good is it?"

    No disrespect intended. But this is how it seems to me. These questions seem
    to indicate that certain faculties of the soul are not being exercised. I'm
    talking about the parts of the soul that recognize meaning, beauty,
    symmetry, structure and purpose. If these faculties are not being exercised,
    there is no way to explain the question of "So what?", and if they are
    exercised, there is no need to since the faculties themselves would provide
    the answer.

    Yet further examples may help awaken the requisite faculties, so I will

    What does it tell us about God and the Bible?

    Take a look at the greatest discoveries in the history of the world. These
    include such things as the very practical wheel that transports our bodies,
    moveable type that transports our minds, and equations that unlock the
    workings of the physical world. Features of each of these is found embedded
    by God in the geometric structure of His Word. The Bible Wheel is integrated
    with the 22 Letters of the Hebrew alphabet which God designed to govern each
    Spoke. The sevenfold symmetric structure of the whole - with the line of
    bilateral symmetry dividing between the Aleph and Tav - can be derived from
    first principles in a way that is precisely analogous to the greatest
    discoveries of modern physics. The symmetry and perfection of the Holy Bible
    in the form of the Wheel speaks ten thousand volumes concerning the nature
    of God, the way He works in the World, and the nature of His Creation. In
    one fell swoop it destroys the vain jangling of so-called "scholars" who
    have sought to deny His Word. It reveals God as the Master Architect of All,
    and opens the door for us to share in His Wisdom and Knowledge! What could
    be greater than this Holy Gift? Salvation is to know God! This study
    culminates in the revelation of the whole Bible as a tri-radiant cruciform
    halo which simultaneously reiterates the centrality of the Cross, the Deity
    of Christ, and the divine design, completion, and perfection of the Bible as
    a whole. Like I said, there is no end to the multifaceted implications. We
    have received the very Capstone to Holy Scripture. There are no words left
    but cries of "Grace, Grace unto it!" (cf. Zech. 4.7)

    Hope that helps,

    Discover the sevenfold symmetric perfection of the Holy Bible at

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