Re: An interesting essay for evangelicals

From: Michael Roberts (
Date: Sun Jan 19 2003 - 18:15:54 EST

  • Next message: jdac: "Re: An interesting essay for evangelicals"

    This plays right into Burgy's and Clements' hands. It is appalling argument or rather assertion.

      ----- Original Message -----
      Sent: Sunday, January 19, 2003 9:21 PM
      Subject: Re: An interesting essay for evangelicals

      In a message dated 1/19/03 1:43:58 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

        I dont why it should be so quaint if the writer is english!

        Usual questions - has it been proved that homosexuality is innate?


        Behaviours (correct spelling) are made up of innate, chosen and acquired
        aspects. I write on the hoof and use the word acquired to mean both learned
        and habitual behaviour. It is not always easy to decide whether behaviour is
        one or the other or a mixture.

        The question is whether homosexuality is right or wrong. And to a Chrsitan
        what the bible actually teaches. One cannot get round what Paul says.

      The Bible teaches high quantity, high quality reproduction.

      That's news to me. What text? Thisis a somewhat weird argument

       Homosexuality removes males from reproduction while freeing them from parenting responsibilities lowering birth rates. The homosexuals withdraw resources from reproducing families with obligations to raise educated sons and daughters to their non-reproductive selves while incurring no such obligations. Other departures from traditonal teaching have the same effect of lowering birth rates - birth control, abortion.

        To say David and Jonathan were actually gay is pathetic and cannot be
        justified from any intelligent reading of the text. The latest English and
        Anglican suuggestion is that the centurion whose slave was healed had a
        homosexual relationship with him.

        One aspect I am sick of is the constant implication that one is homophobic
        if one considers homosexuality to be morally wrong. I t prevents any
        reasonable and considerate discussion - at least in the Church of England.
        Things will probably get more polarised with Rowan Williams obfuscating
        style of theological and moral discourse.

      That is why free speech is so important.
      These are Marxist attacks from the New Left.
      Clements is no more a Marxist from the New Left than I am

        I can't say that I am surprised by Roy clements essay but it fails to


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