Re: Noahic Covenant

From: Vernon Jenkins (
Date: Mon Jul 22 2002 - 15:04:38 EDT

  • Next message: Lucy Lear: "Re: Noahic Covenant"


    Welcome to the forum! Thanks for your posting (Fri, 19 Jul) with respect to the

    I will respond to just one of your points on this occasion. You said:

    "If the sea level rose for 150 days until it covered the tops of the
    mountains and then subsided for another 150 days, it is relatively easy to
    prove that this is physically impossible. If the sea level rose to the
    16,946 level of Mount Ararat (this doesn't take into account even the taller
    Alps) the sea would have had to rise approximately 16,946 feet all over the
    planet earth. That would require 630 million cubic miles of additional
    water weighing 3,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons. Where did all that water go
    during the second 150 days? It could not evaporate or it would still be the
    atmosphere and it is not and it couldn't drain to low places because they
    were already filled up. That much water vapor would obscure the sun from
    the earth and life would not be sustainable."

    But have you not considered that the Antediluvian world might have been quite
    different from what we have today? Our great mountain ranges and deep ocean
    trenches were probably non-existent then; the seas were relatively shallow and
    the land flat. We read in Gen.7:11 that the opening of the "windows of heaven"
    (releasing the "waters above the firmament") was accompanied by the breaking up
    of the "fountains of the great deep" (presumably, subterranean reservoirs). The
    implications are, surely, that forces of unimaginable ferocity were
    unleashed in
    the earth's crust at that time which - assuming the Flood to have been global -
    would have reshaped the whole of its surface over the coming months and years -
    and adjusted Flood- and sea- levels accordingly. Such a scenario presents none
    of the problems you suggest - would you not agree?



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