Glub, glub (was RE: Geology stuff...)

From: Jim Eisele (
Date: Mon Jul 22 2002 - 10:58:51 EDT

  • Next message: Vernon Jenkins: "Re: Noahic Covenant"

    Glenn boldly dashes in

    >Here I simply must protest the silliness going on here. [Sarcastic mode on]

    C'mon, Glenn. Good, clean, fun (and sterile layers!)

    >Almost ALL shales are water-laid (shale being a synonym for clay).

    Heck, Glenn, I'm no geologist. But even I can tell that you haven't
    studied the evidence. Pick up some relevant books, would you. Then
    we can discuss the material in the books. Let's see, let's start with
    Bailey (do you have a copy).

    >And guess what? We are along a river and rivers amazingly carry WATER
    >(obviously a new discovery).

    Show us the map! Then we can compare maps!

    >Think of the amazing coicidence this presents.

    The amazing coincidence is all of these deposits appearing simultaneously
    in a bunch of different Southern Mesopotamian cities.


    Jim Eisele
    Genesis in Question

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