Saddened by ad hominen attack

From: James Mahaffy (
Date: Thu Jul 18 2002 - 19:36:16 EDT

  • Next message: Stuart d Kirkley: "RE: Adam from Dust"


    I was looking at the archives and read a few of the posts about Rennie's
    editorial against "Creationist Nonsense"

    One of the posts had a link to Sarfati's response. While Jon may have a
    legitimate point in showing the bias that Renne has to Christianity and
    especially Creationism - there is no cause to slam him as he does for
    only having a Bachelor of Science. Too often we engage on attacks of
    the credentials of the person and not the argument of the person. While
    Jon's credentials are good, as a group YEC have more than one leader
    that has credential that are not that great. But what we should look
    at is the arguments and perhaps the science of the person. On this
    list, I respect Glenn for his reading and command of the anthropology
    literature - although as far as I know he has no advanced degrees in
    that area. There are others on this list whose credentials are in
    physics yet they can make sense in arguments about evolution because
    they know a bit about science not because they research or have
    credentials in the area.

    I suspect Rennie's article was a bit of a rant and I might agree with
    some of Jon's points but he turned me off when he attacked the man for
    having no more than a bachelor of science. Maybe ad hominen attacks are
    effective but I hate them and think they violate Christian methods of

    James and Florence Mahaffy    712 722-0381 (Home)
    227 S. Main St.              712 722-6279 (Office)
    Sioux Center, IA 51250

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