Re: justified & sinner (Was Re: Inerrancy)

From: Terry M. Gray (
Date: Fri Jul 12 2002 - 15:43:44 EDT

  • Next message: george murphy: "Re: Christian? On what basis?"


    Reformed folk are happy and proud to stand on the shoulders of
    Luther. I, for one, am saddened that Melancthon and others couldn't
    pull everyone together. And, yes, I agree with respect to the origin
    of "simul justus et peccator". Indeed, I attribute it to Luther when
    I have taught on the subject.

    Just wanted to make sure that you weren't putting too big of a wedge
    between Reformed and Lutheran on this point. And I thought that
    making the distinction between extent and degree of depravity was a
    useful contribution to help Burgy to understand Jan's Calvinism. But
    I do agree with you concerning your point about what the term conveys
    to non-experts. We keep using it because it makes such a nice
    acronym. (Although sometimes I switch the acronym from TULIP to
    TUDIP--using a two dip ice cream cone as my icon--and switch the term
    "limited atonement" to "definite atonement" for exactly the reasons
    you mention.)

    BTW I occasionally listen to "The White Horse Inn"
    ( ) a radio program
    hosted by the Reformed theologian/pastor Michael Horton who has a
    Lutheran theologian/pastor Ron Rosenbladt on his panel. With the
    exception of a few "extreme" Lutheran perspectives on the sacraments,
    I find myself agreeing with everything he says. I'm not in the Horton
    camp on everything, I must admit, but I do find them a helpful
    corrective to much of modern evangelicalism, especially with respect
    to Word and Sacrament, the centrality of the cross, Law / Gospel
    preaching, and the importance of the doctrine of justification by
    faith. (I guess all emphases that both Reformed and Lutherans can
    wholeheartedly embrace.)


    >"Terry M. Gray" wrote:
    >> George,
    >> I'm surprised at your identification of the view you outline below
    >> with "the Lutheran view" since as far as I can tell it is identical
    >> with my view.
    > Well, remember that Luther came before Calvin!
    > Seriously, I wasn't trying to be exclusive. I was
    >responding to Burgy's
    >question about what people "from other faith communities" thought about "total
    >depravity" &c. I don't think that on this precise topic there are major
    >Lutheran-Reformed differences, though of course there are when the
    >discussion is
    >broadened slightly to predestination & its implications.
    >> Total deprativity, to Calvinists, does not mean "that there is
    >> absolutely nothiing good about unregenerate humanity at all". We
    >> labor to distinguish between the "extent" of depravity (which is
    >> total and affects every human faculty) and the "degree" of depravity
    >> which is not absolute. Thus no Calvinist theologian that I know of
    >> would say that man is as bad as he good be.
    > OK, but I was referring to the sense that the phrase may convey to
    >non-experts. Lutheran & Reformed ideas about original sin have
    >often been seen by
    >Roman Catholics as Manichaean - just as, conversely, their ideas
    >have often been
    >described as semi-Pelagian. & while this is formally untrue, we do need to be
    >sensitive to what people actually hear as well as to what we mean to say.
    >> Also, with respect to "simul justus et peccator" -- equally part of
    >> the Reformed theological tradition and the reason that justification
    >> is always the mainspring for sanctification. We never get beyond our
    >> need of the merits (both active and passive) of Christ.
    > OK, but I think the phrase itself originates with Luther.
    > Shalom,
    > George
    >George L. Murphy
    >"The Science-Theology Interface"

    Terry M. Gray, Ph.D., Computer Support Scientist
    Chemistry Department, Colorado State University
    Fort Collins, Colorado  80523
    phone: 970-491-7003 fax: 970-491-1801

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