RE: Science verifies religion and love(private)

From: John Burgeson (
Date: Sat Jul 06 2002 - 16:44:33 EDT

  • Next message: Shuan Rose: "RE: Inerrancy"

    Glenn posted:

    >>And this is exactly why the flood has been a central area of concern for
    >>me. It should have left some observational evidence, and I won't believe
    >>in non-historical myths.>>

    I understand. I DID read your two books, remember. I happen to think that IF
    the flood was real, and not a myth, that your theory makes pretty good
    sense. I'd personally be delighted if positive evidence for it turned up. I
    mean, of course, an exploration of the Med seafloor. Your data on early
    humanity is quite convincing, even if Hugh Ross ignores it.

    >As I have said many times, this area is NOT , repeat NOT, about winning
    people to Christ. That is the ICR view and it is false. The issue is about
    not LOSING people to the faith!!!! That is an entirely different
    perspective. I know lots and lots of geoscientists who have become atheist
    or at least not-religious because of this issue. IT boils down to the
    question I often ask, 'why should we believe that which is totally false?'>>

    Yeah -- and I should have included this option in my list. I am not as
    persuaded as you, however, that people who are serious seekers will turn
    away just because of the ICR claims. To do so says to me they were not
    serious about the quest in the first place.

    And, yes, I have a friend of nearly 60 years that did so. Once a strong
    Christian, he hit the YEC claims head on at college and became an atheist.
    But I am persuaded, from talking to him in later years, that his initial
    Christianity was held from enthusiasm, not from a personal relationship with
    God, and that he has since made no serious effort to look deeper. He is
    still my very good friend.

    >>They might remain in the faith rather than rejecting it. We lose a lot of
    >>the smartest people to the secular world because they don't want to
    >>beleive that which is false.>>

    See above. My friend is intelligent enough to become a high executive at
    Pitney-Bowles, but intellect is not what drives people to dig deeper.
    Indeed, I think "intelligence" has little to do with it.


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