RE: sciDocument.rtf

From: Jim Eisele (
Date: Fri Jul 05 2002 - 13:00:07 EDT

  • Next message: Michael Roberts: "Re: History of 6000 Year old creation"

    Shuan writes

    >I'd still like some comments on the rest of my post , which
    >involve more substantive issues.

    Shuan, please stop trying to relegate the Bible to a human
    document. I haven't seen you acknowledge ANY responses as
    explanations to why you are criticizing a straw man.

    You have a "modern lens" that is ignoring what the Bible
    authors were trying to say. Let me suggest a proper order for

    A) God is almighty (you said that yourself)
    B) Biblical errors reflect on God.
    C) You may not like this. People who go around demanding
        explanations for Biblical "errors" are not building anybody
        up. It would be really nice if we focused on Biblical


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