Is the present climate solely due to man?

From: Glenn Morton (
Date: Sat Jul 06 2002 - 00:10:52 EDT

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    I am catching up on some literature reading in geology(I am about 2 years
    behind in reading my AAPGs and will catch up this summer. I ran into the
    following abstract. The abstract says:

    ìNew data from the central Texas Coast indicate that the middle Holocene sea
    level ws higher than today. The most important site consist of
    shore-parallel ridges in the mouths of tributaries to Copano Bay (and other
    bays). Which attain elevations of + 2 m to +3 m, and are underlain by ~2 m
    of bioturbated sand and silt with shell hash. Abundant calcareous forams
    within these deposits indicate subtidal to intertidal depositional
    environments, whereas 14C ages from foram test indicate middle Holocene
    ages. These ridges are interpreted as shoals and spits that formed in the
    mouths of the then-flooded bay tributaries, and they are now emergent due to
    more recent sea-level fall. Accordingly, they indicate that middle Holocene
    sea level was at + 2 m or more.î
            ìA number of mainland landforms are now thought to record
    this highstand.
    Most important among these is an extensive beach ridge plain. Although long
    considered to be part of the ëInglesideí shoreline from the last
    interglacial period, this Holocene beach ridge is underlain by >4 m of
    unweathered, massive to stratified sand that rests unconformably on
    weathered kmís along the mainland shore (in between Matagorda, San Antonio,
    Copano, and Corpus Christi Bays), and can be 1-3 kmís in width. Beach ridge
    plains are interpreted to represent progradation after maximum highstand,
    and during sea-level fall to present elevations or lower.
            ìThe middle Holocene highstand correlates to similar events at many low
    latitude and/or southern hemisphere sites, but may be the first highstand
    identified along a non-rebounding, non-uplifting coast in North America.
    Interpretation of what is sure to be a controversial highstand is bolstered
    by recognition of its imprint on landscape evolution, especially the
    extensive mainland attached Holocene beach ridge plains.î
    Amy E. Carter, Michael D. Blum, ìMiddle Holocene Sea-Level Highstand at +2 m
    and Evolution of the Texas Coast,î AAPG Bulletin October 2000, p. 1674

    In order for this to have occurred, more of the arctic and Antarctic ice
    must have melted in the past than is melted today. If so, it melted on its
    own without the help of a single automobile. Now, I don't know what kind of
    responses to this paper are out there. Maybe I will run into a refutation,
    maybe I won't. The observations are interesting in any event because of the

    First the middle Holocene is about 5000 years ago. It would explain why
    southern Mesopotamia might have been underwater at that time as I noted in a
    note to Mike Satterlee. But it wouldn't cause a flood as the rise and fall
    of sea level is exceedingly slow--slower than the growth of your


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