Winning and Losing (was no subject)

From: Jim Eisele (
Date: Tue Apr 30 2002 - 05:04:42 EDT

  • Next message: Howard J. Van Till: "Re: Questioning the Big Bang"

    Don Perrett replies to John Burgeson

    >>The unhappy thing I find there is that their visitation counter is
    >>in excess of 800,000! When I look at the counters of -- say -- Glenn
    >>or the ASA -- it is apparent (I think I said this before, last year) that

    >Sorry for the follow up. Also, hitting ones own site can bring the numbers
    >up. As I said though, I'm not pointing fingers, so don't take this as an
    >accusation. Numbers of hits isn't important in this business. Salvation is.
    >How many saved can they claim?
    >Don P

    Don't be sorry, Don. You make a fantasic point. I believe Glenn
    Morton places Noah's flood at roughly 5 million years ago. The Bible
    places it at several thousand years ago. Who is going to be attracted
    to Glenn's message? Glenn cut me off from e-mail communication when
    I implied that his message was "heretical." At least YECs believe
    in the Bible.


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