Fwd: space.com dates Noah's flood to 2350 BC

From: MikeSatterlee@cs.com
Date: Tue Apr 30 2002 - 01:52:31 EDT

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    From: MikeSatterlee@cs.com
    Full-name: Mike Satterlee
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    Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 01:51:25 EDT
    Subject: Re: space.com dates Noah's flood to 2350 BC
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    Forgetting the "crater," I found the tree ring studies showing that a major
    climate altering event of some sort happened between 2354 and 2345 BC to be
    very interesting, since (2350 BC) was Ussher's date for the flood. I've done
    a lot of study of Bible chronology and that too is how I date it.

    The fact that the Gilgamesh epic seems to describe a meteor, or several
    meteors, as the cause of the flood makes me hope Saddam allows studies of the
    kind you mention to be done. I believe glass beads should also be found if it
    is a meteor crater, which would be able to be dated by some means. However,
    this is in an area which was overgrown by vegetation and the "crater" was
    covered by water for thousands of years, unlike the crater in the Arizona
    desert. Positively identifying it as a meteor crater may not be that easy
    even if it is one.


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