70 weeks

From: MikeSatterlee@cs.com
Date: Mon Apr 29 2002 - 12:23:29 EDT

  • Next message: Adrian Teo: "RE: Freedom of the will (was Re: Bear sacrifice)"


    Thank you for your reply to my letter to you on the 70 weeks. It certainly is
    too bad that this matter cannot be resolved with some certainty. For if it
    could, it would be a powerful means of convincing the Jews that Jesus was
    their promised Messiah.

    I read what you had to say in response to my comments and all of your
    responses were fair and reasonable.

    The largest obstacle I have in accepting your understanding is believing that
    the 70 weeks began to run with Artaxerxes' decree to Ezra, a decree which
    neither ordered nor resulted in any documented rebuilding work. For Daniel
    said the 70 weeks would begin with an order to rebuild Jerusalem. It is for
    that same reason that most others who have studied this prophecy over the
    years have not assigned its starting point to Artaxerxes' decree to Ezra. It
    seems to me that the only ones who do have favored that decree because with
    it's date of issue they are able to come pretty close to making Daniel's
    prophecy match up with the historical chronology of Christ's ministry and
    death. It seems to me that they have not favored that decree because either
    its contents or eventual results closely matched the description of the kind
    of decree Daniel's prophecy itself described.

    In any case, I appreciate your discussing this matter with me. I hope all is
    going well for you.

    Your brother in Christ,


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