Re: Questioning the Big Bang

Date: Mon Apr 29 2002 - 11:39:19 EDT

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    Howard Van Till posted:

    > FYI: Interesting story re big-bang theorizing at:

    Interesting to propose a new theory simply because you
    want to have a competing idea out there to work on. Living
    in Japan as I do, I notice that some Japanese find it
    fashionable to turn to "Western ideas" in the same way
    some in the West seem to have some romantic notion of
    "eastern ideas". If they only knew.... both of them.
    I did notice, however, that they claim that they "originally
    did not like the idea" of an oscillating universe.

    Admittedly, the nature of entropy and how to explain the
    arrow of time is a matter of debate. I would add that
    likewise, the "reservoir" may be far more enormous
    than any of our puny imaginations can conceive.

    Nevertheless, we do know two things that basically hold
    up at least within the narrow confines of our own experience
    in this small universe and up to this time. (1) You can't
    make a perpetual motion machine or you are guaranteed a
    trip to Sweden (if you succeed). (2) The wave function of
    nothing is nothing.

    I grant however, that both "nothing" and "entropy" are not
    very clearly defined quantities at the fundamental level
    and there is reason to permit speculation given that those
    (perhaps metaphysical) issues are not merely ignored.

    by Grace we proceed,

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