Re: Bear sacrifice

From: Dr. Blake Nelson (
Date: Fri Apr 26 2002 - 08:46:31 EDT

  • Next message: Doug Wiens: "Re: asa-digest V1 #2723"

    > Our knowledge of human evolution strongly
    > suggests that the first
    > humans would have inherited tendencies toward sexual
    > promiscuity, theft,
    > violence and, in general, selfishness. (By
    > "inherited" I do not mean
    > just strictly genetic but also include cultural
    > conditioning.) If this
    > is true then "original righteousness" could mean
    > only the theoretical
    > possibility of them not sinning.

    The problem in this regard is we do not know what the
    condition of the first moral agents were for a couple
    reasons. First, we don't know when or how moral
    agency appeared in evolutionary time. Second, even if
    we could pinpoint it, there is no obvious way to make
    a determination whether those people lived in original
    righteousness or not. What archaeological evidence
    would show this? So, I think it is a little
    presumptuous to say that not sinning was only a
    theoretical possibility, although I sympathize with
    that sentiment.

    I think there is perhaps an over playing of some of
    our nearest primate relatives as an analogue to
    humans. This stems from the fact that the primate you
    choose as a comparison will result in different
    conclusions. Depending on the sins you want to
    address, you get different "propensities" to sin
    depending on which primates you look at. Bonobos, for
    example, engage in promiscuity, but very little
    violence. Chimpanzees display more violence. Some
    primates display fidelity in mating relationships,
    etc. All of these are imperfect analogues and we can
    only speculate about the lineage of humans and what
    propensities there were in that lineage before humans
    became moral agents. This underscores the difficulty
    of saying which sins were "inevitable."

    > Sin would have
    > been - to use a
    > distinction I think of R. Niehbuhr "inevitable"
    > though not "necessary."

    Of course, the inevitability of humans sinning has
    been discussed by theology long before evolution came
    into our scientific picture of the world. For
    example, in discussion of God's foreknowledge of the
    Fall, etc. Indeed, the Christian traditions all hold
    (to different degrees) that we are incapable of
    righteousness without God's working in our life
    through Christ and/or the Holy Spirit.

    > Acts which were not sinful before, because their
    > ancestors were not
    > moral agents, would have been sinful when they
    > became moral agents.
    > (I.e., it's kind of like the distinction that is
    > supposed to be made in
    > the classic insanity defence.)

    Yes, exactly.

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