Re: moderated list?

From: JW Burgeson (
Date: Wed Apr 24 2002 - 17:30:19 EDT

  • Next message: JW Burgeson: "Re: Greek philosophy of science"

    Ted had an interesting suggestion. "In this scenario there is a moderator,
    but her/his role in this case is simply to "kill" a subscriber who is
    repeatedly out of line."

    It is somewhat similar to the "twit vote" suggested a little while ago. But
    I see some potential dangers in it.

    We have had three members here recently who appear to (possibly) exhibit
    characteristics that might make some people send a note to a moderator
    suggesting they be barred. Two of them, however, made claims which --
    although preposterous -- were still claims which MIGHT have been of
    interest. The third simply tossed off one liners -- we have many of his ilk
    on my Compuserve Forum.

    I am really struggling with the question of whether, had such a policy been
    in effect, I would have, myself, complained to the moderator. My gut feel is
    that I would not have done so. Yes -- there was "noise," but that may be the
    price we must pay for a free conversation. Much in the same way as we must
    tolerate crude and distasteful speech, even pornographic speech, in the
    marketplace of ideas in order to make sure the First Amendment concept
    continues to thrive.

    I have mentioned before that HOTMAIL has a "Junk Mail" filter, and it seems
    to be working well for me. When I sign on I see the filtered message count;
    I can look at them but after checking a few times I no longer bother. My
    Juno ISP has a similar feature. I think mant email systems now must have it.

    Then there is this question. Joe Blow posts some trivia on the LISTSERV and
    one person complains. Obviously the moderator will do nothing. Then two
    people complain. Then three, four, ... . How many makes a critical mass?
    Let's pick a number -- 10 ought to do it.

    But then Joe Blow complains about some mild-mannered poster such as -- say
    -- my good friend Glenn Morton. He also gets ten of his buddies to complain.
    Boom! There goes Glenn! Or any of us.

    Again, my 2c worth. Perhaps worth only 1c.

    Hoss (aka Burgy)

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