RE: How and when did we become "men"?

From: Glenn Morton (
Date: Fri Apr 19 2002 - 09:25:53 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: How and when did we become "men"?"

    Hi Dick, you wrote:
    >Okay, it's a case of pick an activity, any activity, out of the air. Then
    >when that arbitrary activity first appeared, changing the date every time
    >is a new discovery with an earlier date.

    Besides the useless, silly sarcasm in the above, why on earth would you not
    consider religious activity in the form of altars to be evidence of well,
    religion and spirituality? I may be wrong, but I strongly suspect that a
    good case can be made between spirituality and the building of religious
    altars. Or do you deny this link?


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