RE: How and when did we become "men"?

From: Shuan Rose (
Date: Thu Apr 18 2002 - 17:25:41 EDT

  • Next message: Jim Eisele: "Re: preadamic man "in God's image" vs "sons of God""

      Dear Mike,
      Interesting question. The question of when did Man become Man and what
    that even means has been explored in a number of books by just about every
    major paleoanthropologist over the past decade. Most believe that
    anatomically modern humans began 100,000 years ago , but many insist that
    these people did not start acting like human beings until 50, 000 years
    ago.By this, they mean creating art, spirituality, innovation, &culture.
    Recent findings in central and southern Africa contradict the hypothesis
    that there was such a long haitus between the appearance of modern anatomy
    and the appearance of modern behaviour.
      Another way of putting it would be, When did Man first become a spiritual
    being?We cannot know for sure, but a good starting point may be when humans
    began to exhibit the first signs of spiritual belief.The first signs of
    religious belief appear to come from Neanderthal burials dating back
    100,000 years ago. Some dispute whether these were ceremonial burials,
    however.According to the latest genetic findings , Neanderthals were a
    separate species from Homo Sapiens, so this may not count.
      Evidence of burial ceremonies among Homo Sapiens date to Cro Magnon man
    (c. 30,000-40, 0000 B.C.).Certainly, by the times of the ancient Egyptians
    and Sumerians, there were signs that human communities had long had a rich
    spiritual life.
      I have read Dick Fischer's " In search of Adam"with interest but religious
    feelings among humans appear to predate his date for the appearance of Adam
    and I feel that humans must have known of God ( or the gods) prior to c.

      -----Original Message-----
      From: []On
      Behalf Of
      Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 2:17 AM
      Subject: How and when did we become "men"?

      Dick Fischer wrote: Since you want the "image" to start before Adam, you
      say where that begins. Any date you pick would be arbitrary - 4 million
      years ago, 100,000 years ago, 10,000 years ago. You can guess, but you

      Dick, this raises a question I had hoped to get your opinion on.
      of whether Gen. 1:26, 27 is referring to God's creation of the human race
      prior to His creation of Adam and Eve or to His creation of Adam and Eve,
      would like to know how and when you and others on this list believe God
      created the human race? As you say, all we can do is guess as to the
      The "how" may also be a matter of some disagreement here.

      I'll volunteer to go first.

      I believe God "created" man by making highly evolved primates into
      people. A "spirit person" is a person who has a spirit unlike that of
      animals, a spirit which returns to God upon our death. (Eccl. 3:21; 12:7)
      Being a "spirit person" also means having the ability to comprehend
      "spiritual" concepts. Concepts such as eternity, morality, justice and
    God. I
      believe at some point during the physical evolution of our species God
      intervened and gave mankind the ability to comprehend such "spiritual"
      concepts. I believe God also then began giving us eternal spirits. I
      these were the creative acts spoken of in Gen. 1:27.

      I believe our ability to think "spiritual" thoughts has, since that time,
      been inherited from our parents. However, the eternal spirits all human
      beings have since possessed may be individual gifts which God gives to all
      human beings at their births, at the time we take our first breath. This
      have been what was pictured by God breathing the breath of life into Adam.
      (The Hebrew word "neshamah" which is used in Gen. 2:7 can mean both
      and "spirit.") If this is so, I believe it can truthfully be said that all
      human beings, before and after Adam, have been individually "created" in
      same way that Adam was. (Adam was created from preexisting organic
      the dust of the earth, and had a spirit breathed into him directly by

      I suspect God created the human race in this way about 100,000 years ago,
      the time scientists tell us people just like ourselves first appeared on

      I would much appreciate reading the thoughts on this subject of others on
      this list.

      How and when did God create man?


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