RE: How and when did we become "men"?

From: Glenn Morton (
Date: Thu Apr 18 2002 - 23:02:24 EDT

  • Next message: Shuan Rose: "RE: How and when did we become "men"?"

    I can't find the original on this so I will use Mike's quotation of Dick,
    Dick wrote:

    >-----Original Message-----
    >From: []On
    >Behalf Of
    >Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 10:17 PM
    >Dick Fischer wrote: Since you want the "image" to start before
    >Adam, you must
    >say where that begins. Any date you pick would be arbitrary - 4 million
    >years ago, 100,000 years ago, 10,000 years ago. You can guess,
    >but you don't

    It is not entirely arbitrary. Whatever activity you choose to represent the
    existence of the image, be it art, murder, burial, religion etc, all these
    activities have a time of first appearance in the fossil record. Thus if we
    say that art is a characteristic of the image then the earliest art is
    either the Golan venus figurine from 300,000 years ago, the Olduvai
    phonolite pebble of 1.6 myr or the Makapansgat pebble of 3 million years
    If we say altars are a requirement, then the oldest altar-looking discovery
    is at Bilzingsleben Germany from 400,000 years ago.
    If we say burial or ritual postmortem treatment of a body it is 1.4 myr ago
    at Sterkfontein, S. A.

    It isn't a case of pick a value, any value, out of the air.


    for lots of creation/evolution information
    personal stories of struggle
    >Dick, this raises a question I had hoped to get your opinion on.
    >of whether Gen. 1:26, 27 is referring to God's creation of the human race
    >prior to His creation of Adam and Eve or to His creation of Adam
    >and Eve, I
    >would like to know how and when you and others on this list
    >believe God first
    >created the human race? As you say, all we can do is guess as to
    >the "when."
    >The "how" may also be a matter of some disagreement here.
    >I'll volunteer to go first.
    >I believe God "created" man by making highly evolved primates into
    >people. A "spirit person" is a person who has a spirit unlike that of
    >animals, a spirit which returns to God upon our death. (Eccl. 3:21; 12:7)
    >Being a "spirit person" also means having the ability to comprehend
    >"spiritual" concepts. Concepts such as eternity, morality, justice
    >and God. I
    >believe at some point during the physical evolution of our species God
    >intervened and gave mankind the ability to comprehend such "spiritual"
    >concepts. I believe God also then began giving us eternal spirits.
    >I believe
    >these were the creative acts spoken of in Gen. 1:27.
    >I believe our ability to think "spiritual" thoughts has, since that time,
    >been inherited from our parents. However, the eternal spirits all human
    >beings have since possessed may be individual gifts which God gives to all
    >human beings at their births, at the time we take our first
    >breath. This may
    >have been what was pictured by God breathing the breath of life into Adam.
    >(The Hebrew word "neshamah" which is used in Gen. 2:7 can mean
    >both "breath"
    >and "spirit.") If this is so, I believe it can truthfully be said that all
    >human beings, before and after Adam, have been individually
    >"created" in the
    >same way that Adam was. (Adam was created from preexisting organic
    >the dust of the earth, and had a spirit breathed into him directly by God.)
    >I suspect God created the human race in this way about 100,000
    >years ago, at
    >the time scientists tell us people just like ourselves first appeared on
    >I would much appreciate reading the thoughts on this subject of others on
    >this list.
    >How and when did God create man?

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