Orkney Burrows disprove Global flood

From: Glenn Morton (glenn.morton@btinternet.com)
Date: Wed Apr 17 2002 - 01:41:36 EDT

  • Next message: Dick Fischer: "Re: Fair Fight"

    I just put a new web page up on some burrows I found when I visited the
    Orkney Islands 2 weeks ago. Some time ago Allen Roy and I had discussed the
    Haymond Fm. and the 15000 layers of burrows there. Allen had said that they
    were escape features. That explanation won't work at the Orkneys, which
    also have tens of thousands of sedimentary layers with burrows. In this case
    the burrows are horizontal and thus the animals are not trying to escape
    anything. So the question for Allen is, "Why didn't all the burrowers die in
    the first layer?" These guys were not escaping anywhere with horizontal

    see http://www.glenn.morton.btinternet.co.uk/orkney.htm


    see http://www.glenn.morton.btinternet.co.uk/dmd.htm
    for lots of creation/evolution information
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