A matter of trust?

From: Vernon Jenkins (vernon.jenkins@virgin.net)
Date: Tue Apr 16 2002 - 17:31:16 EDT

  • Next message: Glenn Morton: "Orkney Burrows disprove Global flood"

    Dear All,

    In an email to Dave Siemens (31 Mar) I wrote, "It is strange that you, a
    Christian, dismiss my suggested 'lucid and concise explanation' of
    'junk' DNA as inadequate when you still have so many transitional
    'skeletons' missing from the hypothetical 'cupboard'. Does this no
    longer worry evolutionists? It certainly did Darwin! - and with very

    This drew the following private response from a member of the forum, "As
    a paleontologist, I am puzzled as to what transitions you think there
    are missing. Exactly what do you think evolutionists should be worried
    about regarding transitional forms?"

    In my reply I asked him to suggest how the alleged transition
    fish>amphibian could possibly have taken place, for in my mind it defied
    all logic. In particular, in the early stages of the assumed process, I
    failed to see what possible selection advantage would accrue from the
    encumbering of normal fin activity with the growth of incipient legs and
    feet (together with the necessary internal adjustments). My experience
    over the years has been that evolutionists assure me that it must have
    happened. They are far more comfortable discussing later assumed
    developments in which leg and foot function obviously become significant
    factors in creature survival.

    I also requested evidence of the fact that such transitions have been
    found in the fossil record.

    To date, neither request has been met. Am I therefore correct in
    inferring that this essential stage in the evolutionary enterprise is to
    be taken on trust?




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