Fair Fight

From: Lucy Masters (masters@cox-internet.com)
Date: Tue Apr 16 2002 - 10:26:16 EDT

  • Next message: Dr. Blake Nelson: "Re: Fair Fight"

    Blake Nelson wrote:

    "Barring any glaring knock down data that go against your position
    (which as a lawyer you are ethically required to
    provide to a court in say a legal brief -- although
    you may try to explain it away), you will choose those
    data that make your case more compelling."

    Lucy responds:

    I don't know how far-reaching the idea of "ethically required...." goes,
    but it has not been my experience or my observation that lawyers who
    KNOW their client is guilty provide that "glaring knock down data" to a
    court in a legal brief or in any other way. This also goes for my
    experiences with and observation of Christian lawyers. By the same
    token, I don't believe Phil Johnson would reveal any "glaring knock down
    data" that defies his case.

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