Re: Behe and Johnson are up front

From: John (Burgy) Burgeson (
Date: Mon Apr 15 2002 - 21:01:29 EDT

  • Next message: Shuan Rose: "RE: cosmology & polygamy"

    Dick Fischer wrote: "George probably puts "strange quarks" on his cereal in
    the morning."

    I doubt it. I tried some of those once and they gave me heartburn. < G >

    >>On the subject of the relative age of the earth in everyday terms we
    >>humans use, such as 365-day years, then I know that answer from an
    >>overwhelming amount of data from myriad sources and from every realm of
    >>science. Anyone who has graduated from High School has been exposed to
    >>enough information on that subject that they should have no doubts.>>

    Perhaps they should not have doubts. But I know a lot of pretty smart folks
    who do have doubts, none-the-less.

    >>So my comment is this: How can PJ be silent on a simple matter of
    >>science, like the age of the earth, and at the same time have such a
    >>command of the intricacies of biology and genetics that he can contradict
    >>the experts in those fields?>>

    I think you make a strong argument here, of course. It does boggle the mind.

    >>Johnson may enjoy debating Provine, but I don't think he would enjoy a
    >>debate with Collins.>>

    That's one I'd love to see.

    Thanks, BTW, for the KJV stuff. Appreciate it.


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