Re: cosmology & polygamy

From: John (Burgy) Burgeson (
Date: Mon Apr 15 2002 - 20:56:04 EDT

  • Next message: John (Burgy) Burgeson: "Re: Behe and Johnson are up front"

    From Neil, a couple or three days ago:

    >>Maybe the only solution to this is to stand right in front of almighty God
    >>on the day of judgement and accuse Him of wrong doing. You can argue it
    >>out personally when He is discussing your eternal destiny on the basis of
    >>all your good and bad thoughts, words and deeds.>>

    I don't know about you, but my wrongdoings are covered by the grace of God,
    the God described by Jesus the Christ. So I expect that while I'll have a
    lot of questions, I will have no reason to accuse Him of anything, nor will
    he be discussing my misdeeds.

    He may, of course, be discussing other things about me.

    "The eternal destiny of human beings will be measured by how much or how
    little solidarity we have displayed with the hungry, the thirsty, the naked,
    and the oppressed. In the end, we will be judged in terms of love." L. Boff

    I do not see the above in terms of salvation, of course, but in terms of
    what we will find the heavenlies to be for each one of us.


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