Re: A "High View" of Scripture

From: John (Burgy) Burgeson (
Date: Sat Apr 06 2002 - 15:30:31 EST

  • Next message: John (Burgy) Burgeson: "Human cloning"

    > I would be grateful if anyone could steer me toward authoritative
    >sources that define what a "high view" of Scripture is. I would also be
    >grateful for your individual understandings or definitions of the term. >>

    In my own experience, the term is generally used by someone wishing to
    establish a moral "high ground" for his or her own scriptural
    interpretations. The more "inerrant" one views scripture, the more likely
    one will use it. I have a KJV-only friend who holds it, using it as a "club"
    with those he interacts. In the PCUSA, it is often used by those of our
    members who opposed the recent "Amendment A" which would have returned our
    denomination to the prior state where individual congregations could decide
    for themselves who was qualified to be ordained for sessions. It is really
    difficult to have a reasoned discussion with people who make this claim. I
    frequently tell people I take scripture too seriously to take it very
    literally; the response is often "Well, I have a "high view" of scripture
    myself." Sometimes the "high view" is really weird. But that's just my


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