More on how to teach at evolution in church

From: Shuan Rose (
Date: Fri Apr 05 2002 - 17:15:53 EST

  • Next message: Lucy Masters: "What Evolution Means"


    the Quote below is all too typical of what evangelical churches ( or some
    within evangelical churches) teach about evolution.
    IWould Mr. Woodward agree that the writer has stated a proper understanding
    of evolution and its implications?

    Let's discuss just what evolution would mean if it were true. If evolution
    were true then there would be absolutely no point to life except to
    reproduce. We are merely links on a chain. We are the highest and most
    advanced form that evolution has taken, but eventually we'll be regarded as
    pond scum. We are insignificant individuals on an insignificant planet in an
    insignificant solar system in an insignificant galaxy in an insignificant
    universe. What we do today will hold little or no significance for future
    generations and there are no consequences for our actions. You believe that
    there is no God or if there is a God he did a crappy job creating the
    universe and then just kicked back after he finished his "half-ass job" and
    let nature do it itself (which according to theistic evolutionists did a
    much better job than God did). As you have already seen, however, and will
    shortly continue to see, there is a million and one problems with evolution.
    In fact it is not technically a science at all. Common descent can not be
    directly observed so it must be believed in faith. This makes it a religion.
    Numerous times contradictions and nonsense occur in evolution. All over the
    place de-evolution is cited, yet de-evolution does not exist by the words of
    those same scientists who cited it. If you believe in evolution, you believe
    that nothing came from nowhere to create the big bang. Inanimate material
    self-organized into a complex universe. Electricity struck ozone to create
    inanimate organic material which in turn self-organized within a chaotic
    environment to create proteins. These inanimate objects also self-organized
    and turned from non-living to living. These single celled creatures who were
    incapable of thought, through personification, willingly changed their
    genetic structure. Through a fluke two fragile sexes were developed (which
    is de-evolution because it makes reproduction much more fragile, unlikely,
    and difficult) which both survived and thrived. After this, cells began to
    group together to form multi-cellular animals which, in turn, mutated their
    own dna and after a series of impossible circumstances became life as we
    know it.

    2632 N Charles Street,Baltimore MD 21218

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