Re: Thoughts on the implications of evolution as a means of creation

From: george murphy (
Date: Thu Apr 04 2002 - 12:36:23 EST

  • Next message: Shuan Rose: "RE: Creationism in the UK (Utley v Dawkins)"

    Shuan Rose wrote:

    > Good point. The bible puts it somewhat differently. "To God a thousand years
    > are but a day". However, it does not quite deal with the problem of why God
    > used a 15 billion year process instead of an instantaneous process.Or why
    > God created a universe this size if all he meant to do was to provide a home
    > for Man.

            If God is going to bring about intelligent life through natural
    processes then times on the order of the present age of the universe would be
    required in order to have formation of 1st & 2d generation stars, planetary
    systems, life, &c. & an expanding universe a few billion years old is going to
    be at least a few billion light years across.

    George L. Murphy
    "The Science-Theology Interface"

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