The Day of Resurrection

From: Robert Schneider (
Date: Sun Mar 31 2002 - 13:50:23 EST

  • Next message: Vernon Jenkins: "Re: Qs for Dr. Collins"


    Supposing him to be the gardener, she asked him if he knew where they had taken her lord. "Mary!" he said to her, in that tender voice with which he often spoke to his disciples. Having loved them to the end, he loved them into a new beginning.



             Love -- stronger than death and harder than hell.

                       (Meister Eckhart, c.1260 - c.1327)



                            Salve, Festa Dies!


    Hail thee, festival day! blest day that art hallowed forever,

        day whereon Christ arose, breaking the kingdom of death.

    Lo, the fair beauty of earth, from the depths of the winter arising!

        Every good gift of the year now with its Master returns.

    He who was nailed to the cross is Lord and the ruler of nature;

        all things created on earth sing to the glory of God.

    Daily the loveliness grows, adorned with the glory of blossom;

        heaven her gates umbars, flinging her increase of light.

    Rise from the grave now, o Lord, who art author of life and creation.

        Treading the pathway of death, life thou bestowest on all.

    God the Creator, the Lord, who rulest the earth and the heavens,

        guard us from harm without, cleanse us from evil within.

    Jesus the health of the world, enlighten our minds, thou Redeemer,

        Son of the Father supreme, only begotten of God.

    Spirit of life and of power, now flow in us, font of our being,

        light that dost lighten all, life that in all dost abide.

    Praise to the giver of good! Thou Love who art author of concord,

        Pour out thy balm on our souls, order our ways in thy peace.

    Hail thee, festival day! blest day that art hallowed forever,

        day whereon Christ arose, breaking the kingdom of death.

                (Venantius Honorius Fortunatus, c.540 - c.600)



                                     COLLECT FOR EASTER DAY


    ALMIGHTY GOD, who through your only-begotten Son Jesus Christ overcame death and opened to us the gate of everlasting life: Grant that we, who celebrate with joy the day of the Lord's resurrection, may be raised from the death of sin by your life-giving Spirit; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.


    Lectionary Readings:

          Exodus 14: 10-14, 21-25; 15:20-21

          Psalm 118:14-29

          Colossians 3:1-4 (or Acts 10:34-43)

          John 20:1-10 (or Matthew 28:1-10)



    A blessed Easter to all,

    Bob Schneider


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