Re: BIBLE: Marcus Borg

From: Robert Schneider (
Date: Tue Mar 26 2002 - 18:39:57 EST

  • Next message: Don Perrett: "Current Events"

    Hi, Burgy,

        Let me respond, and address Adrian's response to the same statement.
    Jim has long retired (and, sadly, is ill). His own spiritual odyssey took
    him from neo-orthodoxy and a southern populist engagement in civil rights
    (he's a good friend of Will Campbell; he also edited the journal
    "Katelagete" ["Be ye reconciled"], to eastern Orthodox Christianity. Jim
    taught New Testament courses at Berea, focusing in particular on Paul. He
    was (is) an old curmudgeon, and loved to shake up his students, especially
    those who came into his Bible classes convinced that they already knew what
    the Bible said and expecting to have their views confirmed. Jim forced them
    to look at the text in ways they never had been asked to do before. One
    example, as his students read the gospels, was to challenge them to break
    out of the complacent notion that everything in the gospels is factual, and
    if they said Jesus rose from the dead, he must have. Jim wanted them to
    understand what is to be taken on faith and what is to be established on the
    basis of the kind of firm and clear evidence that compels historical or
    actual assent. The only information about the resurrection, he would point
    out, comes from the testimony of believers, and that on this topic the NT
    writings amount to "hearsay evidence" in the legal sense. There is no
    independent confirming evidence, (I would add that there were other reports
    in ancient literature of people coming back from the dead), and human
    experience is that when you die you stay dead. Acceptance of the early
    Christian community's proclamation that God raised Jesus from the dead, he
    wanted his students to understand, is an act of faith.

        I respect Adrian's contention that there is sufficient evidence in the
    gospels themselves to give him reasons to think that the resurrection did in
    fact happen. John Polkinghorne, in _Quarks, Chaos and Christianity_, makes
    a thoughtful case for it on the basis of the same accounts. Still, Jim
    would say, "I *believe* that God raised Jesus from the dead," not "I know
    that Jesus rose from the dead."

        Personally, I do not believe that Jesus' resurrection was an act of
    resuscitation; what it was and just what the resurrection experience of his
    disciples was, I leave to story and mystery--and a mystery is not a puzzle
    you solve but something you enter into, like the incarnation, that other
    profound and central mystery of the Christian faith. I shall enter into the
    mystery liturgically this coming Sunday and meet the resurrected Christ in
    the Eucharist.

    God is great, and Jesus is Lord,
    Bob Schneider

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "John (Burgy) Burgeson" <>
    To: <>; <>
    Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 3:32 PM
    Subject: Re: BIBLE: Marcus Borg

    > Bob Schneider wrote: "Finally, my former colleague at Berea College, Jim
    > Holloway, a Barthian and NT professor (once Southern Baptist, now
    > Orthodox), use to tell his students, "The resurrection is not a fact."
    > would you take that?"
    > Wow! Now you have my attention!
    > Please do not leave me hanging!
    > Hoss (alias for Burgy. Sorry about the name confusion earlier. This is my
    > "use away from home" email service; I had changed the name for a baseball
    > discussion & did not change it back).
    > If you got peeved with Hoss in the past week, cut him some slack. He was a
    > great baseball pitcher in his day -- won 60 games one year. But he is long
    > gone to that diamond in the sky.
    > JB
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