ADMIN: Re: A Mockery of a Sham - the ASA homepage

From: Terry M. Gray (
Date: Tue Mar 26 2002 - 17:08:33 EST

  • Next message: Robert Schneider: "Re: BIBLE: Marcus Borg"

    Come on, Jim, give it a rest.

    ASA published all those articles in the PSCF to start with--so
    apparently, as an organization we're open to the broader discussion.
    Getting the stuff on the web has been a fairly recent and on-going
    process. We're trying to get all the PSCF articles out there,
    representing the broad spectrum of opinion in the ASA--some of the
    articles are on-line but not indexed yet--you can find them if you go
    to The topics pages are not meant to be
    complete--just helpful introductions to the issues and to some
    resources inside and outside of the ASA. Please keep in mind that the
    ASA does not take "sides" as you seem to suggest (see [Note the paragraph at the
    beginning "We are committed to providing an open forum where
    controversies can be discussed without fear of unjust
    condemnation."]). I'd even go so far as to say that all the authors
    that you mention would say they are on the same side (even though
    they might vigorously disagree with each other on specific topics
    under discussion). As to Jack Haas's choice of articles--I will only
    suggest that ASA is one few evangelical sites where you can find
    alternatives to strict YEC and OEC and where people are willing to
    ask hard questions about the relationship between faith and science
    (without dismissing one or the other). Obviously, we don't all
    agree--such is the character of ASA since the beginning. Frankly, I
    would suggest to you that Jack's choice of papers in the various
    topics collections is an excellent representation of where the ASA as
    an organization is and wants to be. As I suggested to you
    yesterday--it would do well to make your suggestions to Jack--he's
    usually open to suggestions given in a positive manner. It's not
    clear to me why you have to have the accusatory tone that you have in
    this email.

    ASA Webmaster and List Manager

    >I am writing this on my own, no author's were consulted.
    >Why is Glenn Morton's article under Bible & Science, but
    >not Carol Hill's?
    >Why is Paul Seely's, but not Peter Ruest's?
    >Whose side are we on, anyway?

    Terry M. Gray, Ph.D., Computer Support Scientist
    Chemistry Department, Colorado State University
    Fort Collins, Colorado  80523
    phone: 970-491-7003 fax: 970-491-1801

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