Re: ASA Perspective

Date: Thu Mar 14 2002 - 10:30:26 EST

  • Next message: Steven M Smith: "Star Wars & the Synoptic Gospels"

    Norm Woodward wrote (on indoctrinate):

    > Its primary definition in Webster痴 Ninth is 鍍o instruct, esp. in
    > fundamentals or rudiments: TEACH.・瘢雹

    For whatever it is worth:
    Webster' New World Dictionary (third college edition)

    1. To instruct in, or imbue WITH, DOCTRINES, THEORIES, or BELIEFS,
    as of a SECT. 2. to instruct; teach.

    So perhaps as a secondary meaning, you correct but not as
    a primary definition as you say above. Science is not a
    doctrine that you accept on faith. Neither is it a sect
    that you worship. It is an outgrowth of epistemology. It
    is more like a useful TOOL for the philosopher than anything
    else. Francis Bacon (AFAIK a devout Christian) is among one
    of several of its early developers.

    However, you did not actually answer my
    post. I think there is a fundamental difference between
    passively sitting and letting teachers "teach" (or indoctrinate)
    you, and desiring to understand the world around yourself.
    You conflate the two.

    Whereas I might see some people going through their science
    education and becoming "indoctrinated", this would be
    more appropriately applied to people who fall into some
    religion of scientism. That is quite different from
    learning and using science (as a tool).

    by Grace we do proceed,

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