Re: ASA Perspective

Date: Tue Mar 12 2002 - 14:39:08 EST

  • Next message: Jonathan Clarke: "Re: ASA Perspective"

    Michael wrote,

    << YEC did start in the USA with Price and Morris but it is now wolrdwide . It
     is not the traditional view of Christians and until recently nearly all
     evangelicals believed in an old earth, consider those from the 19th century.

    After a good informative corrective on the beliefs of Christians since 1700
    or 1800, this ending misses the mark. I think a 6000 year old earth is the
    traditional view of Christians.
    It was common for the church fathers to use the six days of Genesis as an
    outline or pattern for the history of the world wherein each day of creation
    stood for 1000 years of world history, with the millennial reign of Christ to
    begin at the end of the 6000 years. But no one thought that the days of
    creation themselves were each 1000 years long. If they had thought that,
    they would have believed that the world was 6000 years old at the end of the
    sixth day of creation. But, in fact, they regarded the end of the sixth day
    of creation as the beginning of the first 1000 years of the age of the world.
      As Augustine himself said,
    They ...being deceived by a kind of false writing, that say: "The world has
    continued many thousand years," whereas the holy scripture gives us not yet
    six thousand years since man was made.(St. Augustine, The City of God 12:10,
    New York: E. P. Dutton, 1945, p.317)

         From the beginning of church history until modern times, all Christians
    believed the world was less than 6000 years old. (For the first and second
    century see Theophilus to Autolycus 3:28, The Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol.2, ed.
    A. Roberts and J. Donaldson, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1899, p.120.
    Also for the views of the first century see , Josephus, Ant.1:1:13, "The
    things arrated in the sacred scriptures...embrace the history of 5000
    years..." Cf. 2Enoch 72:6 and The Assumption of Moses 1:2,3) And fifteen
    hundred years after Christ, Luther wrote, "Now, we know from Moses that about
    six thousand years ago the world was not yet in existence..."( Luther's
    Commentary on Genesis Vol.1, Grand Rapids: Zondervan,1958, p.3)

         Even into the the nineteenth century I think most conservative
    Christians continued to think of the world as only about 6000 years old.(F.
    C. Haber, The Age of the World: Moses to Darwin, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins,
    1959, p.246. Cf. John Gill (c. 1750), Complete Body of Doctrinal and
    Practical Divinity Vol.1, Grand Rapids: Baker, 1978 repr., p.370; also Adam
    Clarke, 1810-1825, Chart: Adam's death is in 930 Anno Mundi.)

    Yes, there were Howard Van Tills and Davis Youngs in the 1800's who protested
    "Scriptural Geology" but who was listening?

    I say, admit the Bible does not teach modern science and that the most
    natural interpretation of Gen 1 ff is that the earth is only c. 6000 years
    old. Why not? None of Gen 1 (or any other part of the Bible for that matter)
    reflects modern science. Belief in the solidity of the sky and the ocean
    above it (which Genesis delineates even more clearly than a 6000 year old
    earth) was also the traditional view of the Church; but, YECs rationalize
    that away as quickly as classical concordists. So if you want YECs to
    rationalize away the 6000 year old earth and the global flood, make a basic
    knowledge of geology (and anthropology) as common as a basic knowledge of
    And this education should begin by educating the theologians who belong to
    and attend the meetings of the Evangelical Theological Society. It is their
    arm-chair theologizing that supports the unbiblical illusion that the Bible
    claims to be inerrant in science. The Bible makes no such claim; it is a
    human addition to Scripture. (See my book, Inerrant Wisdom and/or James D.G.
    Dunn, "The Authority of Scripture according to Scripture," Churchman 96
    (1982) 104-122 and 201-225.). When YECs understand the authority of Scripture
    as Jesus understood it, i.e., as containing some concessions to cultural
    views of the times (Matt 19:8/Mark 10:5) and that the world is most certainly
    not 6000 years old and there most certainly was not a global flood, YECism
    will disappear.


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