Re: ASA Perspective

From: Jim Eisele (
Date: Mon Mar 11 2002 - 08:15:12 EST

  • Next message: Michael Roberts: "Re: ASA Perspective"

    John writes

    >I reviewed Gish's book CREATION SCIENTISTS ANSWER THEIR Sept

    In that review he writes

    >>Finally, Creation Scientists are frequently referred to as if they
    constituted a significant minority of all scientists -- it is high time ICR
    made an attempt to quantify that minority. My estimate, from 30 years of
    study of the issues, is that such scientists are well under 1% of the whole.
    Your milage may differ<<

    In his book Creation and Time (1994), Hugh Ross claims that more
    than 99% of America's practicing scientists view a young earth as a
    more far-fetched notion than a flat earth.

    By now we know that my position is prophetic narrative. To me, the
    fact that there is a way to make the Bible work with science makes
    trying to make the Bible work without science highly suspicious.

    I dare say that as early as Darwin someone could have looked at Genesis
    One. They could have seen a formless and void earth, plants,
    fish/crocodiles, land animals, humans. Hmmm. Looks like evolution.
    The rest may not have been clear yet. But who among us has been told
    by God what the rest of our lives will be like? Faith plays a role.

    I confess that for a time I was ignorant about this reading of Genesis One,
    which requires a non-traditional interpretation of the age of the universe.
    And I was suspicious of science. Leaving God out of creation seemed like
    leaving hot out of summer.


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