Re: Genesis One and Concordism (was a lot of other things previously)

Date: Mon Feb 18 2002 - 04:38:56 EST

  • Next message: "Re: Gen 1:1 and Concordism"

    Wally wrote,

    << Back in the late 60's, Eric Von Daniken wrote a book called "Chariots of
     the Gods?". I DO NOT ENDORSE THIS BOOK!. However, the author voices the
     opinion that humans were visited by astronauts and they were told by
     them how the earth and humanity came about. As best they could, they
     remembered this story and repeated it from generation to generation.
     They wrote it down when they had learned how to write. (A recent
     Discovery Channel presentation attributed the first books of the Bible
     to Moses since he learned to write in Egypt.)
     Replace the astronauts with God or the HS and is this not a credible

    It doesn't fit the historical evidence. If God revealed the story of
    creation, that is, the story we have in Gen 1 to Adam, it should have come
    down through Noah and his 3 sons to all peoples. But, the only two creation
    stories that substantially look like each other are Gen 1 and the Babylonian
    creation account, Enuma elish. All peoples have the solid firmament, but only
    a teeny tiny few have an ocean above the firmament, and only Gen 1 and E.e.
    tell about the dividing of the waters; and in both accounts the waters that
    are divided are from the Semitic root thm.Given the rest of the Babylonian
    background to Gen 1-11, it is just too probable that the story of creation,
    like the Flood story, began with a Babylonian story.


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