PBS Evolution (and Keith Miller)

From: Mark Hubbard (HUBBARD@cofo.edu)
Date: Fri Sep 28 2001 - 10:57:57 EDT

  • Next message: SteamDoc@aol.com: "Re: PBS Evolution (and Keith Miller)"

    I have been watching the PBS series that last couple of nights and
    was wondering what Christians think about where Adam came into
    the picture in the common descent idea. Shortly thereafter Keith
    Miller came on and, in response to a question, mentioned that God
    may have chosen an early man to breath life and spirit into (I hope
    I'm paraphrasing Keith fairly)

    Are there other thoughts and ideas on how Adam and the garden
    coincide with current human evolutionary theory? I would be
    interested in hearing any.

    (and to think I knew Keith Miller before he was a famous, PBS



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