Re: The ASA List

From: Vernon Jenkins (
Date: Tue Sep 18 2001 - 18:07:06 EDT

  • Next message: Moorad Alexanian: "RE: The ASA List"


    You recently wrote:

    "I strongly believe that the notion of a God outside our spacetime is
    not derivable by any human thought. It is a waste of time for everyone
    to entertain such a notion and may indicate the state of mind of those
    who profess it."

    But what if the Creator, in his wisdom, decides to underwrite his word
    with specific evidences of his being and sovereignty, on the reasonable
    understanding that those created in his image - and who love him -
    would, at the time appointed, find them, and desire to share them with

    Clearly, you strongly reject the very possibility - and for good measure
    seriously question the compos mentis of its proponents! But on what
    rational grounds?

    May I suggest that something better than mere 'hunch' is demanded, for
    as you must know, the evidence supporting the proposition is really very
    strong - and its emergence at this time, most apposite.


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