specified complexity?

From: Ted Davis (tdavis@messiah.edu)
Date: Tue Feb 27 2001 - 23:44:40 EST

  • Next message: Robert Miller: "Re: Ramm, Rimmer, etc"

    I like this question (of Dr Pearson's) about specified complexity, I like it
    very much. Bill Dembski's ideas are fascinating and IMO deserve better than
    they have received in many places. It is quite legitimate to ask how
    recognize "intelligence" in signals from space, and how we recognize
    "complexity" or "life products" (are these equivalent?) in meteorites. Why
    not raise the issue directly with Dr. Friedmann? Perhaps Dr Pearson might
    send his email directly to this research team, or at least that part of the
    message containing his main question.

    I'd like to hear the answer.

    Ted Davis

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