Re: Dr. Henry Schaefer and YECism

From: M.B.Roberts (
Date: Thu Feb 22 2001 - 18:35:41 EST

  • Next message: Bill Payne: "Coal Data"

    Precisely! Peter Brunt is making the point I wanted to in my funny or
    unfunny way.

    However if I am not allowed to teach that the Atomic Weight of Carbon is 6
    then YECs should not teach their even more unfounded views.

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Peter Brunt" <>
    To: "'M.B.Roberts'" <>; <>
    Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 10:53 PM
    Subject: RE: Dr. Henry Schaefer and YECism

    > M.B.Roberts contributed:
    > > Following Henry Schaefer and his lecture, I am a Traditionalist
    > > in my chemistry. I take a traditional (1820s) view of the Atomic weight
    > of
    > > Carbon and accept the same as Darwin did in his only chemical notes.
    > > I believe that the Atomic weight of Carbon is 6 and not 12.
    > > Why shouldnt I teach that in schools or colleges as it is my honest
    > belief?
    > You are entitled to your beliefs but their validity surely has to have
    > credibility with your peers, many if not most of whom would not share
    > Science is a public enterprise which relies on consistent results having
    > most likely interpretation. But then you know that!
    > You should not be able to teach your views for while they are honestly
    > they are not accepted by your peers as our understanding of the world and
    > more importantly do not align with our understanding of the truth.
    > Michael, you may continue to live in your pre-neutron world but not many
    > will join you.
    > After all do your views really advance the world and our interpetation of
    > it?
    > Sadly this is where many YECers would take us, if they could. Credibility
    > is important here!
    > Peter Brunt

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