Re: So. Baptist Spin on BOE Vote

Date: Mon Feb 19 2001 - 08:39:56 EST

  • Next message: "Re: New Kansas Science Stds."

    I am a little disturbed by this:
    >Ý John Wiester, a member of the American Scientific Affiliation's
    >science education commission, meanwhile told Baptist Press, "The
    >new Kansas science standards tilt toward indoctrination rather
    >than education."
    >Ý American Scientific Affiliation is an international
    >organization made up of 2,500 evangelical Christian scientists
    >who advocate teaching evolution as one of many scientific
    >theories not an ideology.
    >Ý "The new Kansas science standards have enshrined philosophical
    >naturalism as the official definition of science," Wiester said.
    >"The purposeless, undirected Darwinian mechanism of natural
    >selection is our official creator. It is by definition protected
    >from critical analysis and alternative hypotheses by the new
    >Kansas science standards. ... Teaching our children that they are
    >the result of an accidental process is naturalistic philosophy
    >masquerading as science."

    Surely that view is not the position of the ASA? Yet he seems to be
    presented as a spokesman.

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