FW: FYI #16 - New Kansas Science Stds.

From: Howard J. Van Till (hvantill@novagate.com)
Date: Thu Feb 15 2001 - 20:21:29 EST

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    For your reading pleasure

    From: AIP listserver <fyi@aip.org>
    To: fyi-mailing@aip.org
    Subject: FYI #16 - New Kansas Science Stds.
    Date: Thu, Feb 15, 2001, 3:55 PM

    The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Science Policy
    Number 16: February 15 , 2001

    Biological and Cosmological Evolution Adopted in Kansas
    Education Standards

    Yesterday, the Kansas State Board of Education voted 7-3 to
    accept Science Education Standards requiring twelfth grade
    students to "understand the major concepts of the theory of
    biological evolution" and "develop an understanding of the
    origin and evolution of the dynamic earth system."

    Yesterday's action was in response to a controversial vote by
    the board in August 1999 revising the standards to de-
    emphasize evolution and remove the Big Bang Theory and the
    Earth's age. These 1999 revisions were criticized by numerous
    organizations, including the AIP Governing Board which issued
    a statement that "The AIP Governing Board views with alarm the
    recent action taken by the Kansas State Board of Education to
    remove biological and cosmological evolution from the State
    Science Standards...." The AIP Board supported other similar
    statements opposing the revised standards (see

    The standards adopted yesterday cover all twelve grades, and
    are based the on work of the National Research Council, the
    American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the
    National Science Teachers Association. These new standards
    recognize the controversy, stating "Science studies natural
    phenomena by formulating explanations that can be tested
    against the natural world. Some scientific concepts and
    theories (e.g., blood transfusion, human sexuality, nervous
    system role in consciousness, cosmological and biological
    evolution, etc.) may differ from the teachings of a student's
    religious community or their cultural beliefs. Compelling
    student belief is inconsistent with the goal of education.
    Nothing in science or in any other field shall be taught

    Under an introductory section, "Unifying Concepts and
    Processes in the Kansas Science Education Standards" there is
    a paragraph entitled "Patterns of Cumulative Change." As
    examples of such change are the "biological theory of
    evolution," "fossilization," and that "patterns of cumulative
    change also help to describe the current structure of the

    The eighth grade standard includes material on biological
    evolution and earth processes. About the latter, "students
    should know" that "Earth's history is written in layers of the
    rock, and "Some fossil beds enable the matching of rocks from
    different continents, and other fossil beds show how organisms
    developed over a long period of time."

    One of the twelfth grade life science standards is that "all
    students will develop an understanding of . . . biological
    evolution." "Students will understand the major concepts of
    the theory of biological evolution," with one of the
    "indicators" being "That the theory of evolution is both the
    history of descent, with modification of different lineages of
    organisms from common ancestors, and the ongoing adaption of
    organisms to environmental challenges and changes . . . " A
    related "example" for one of the indicators is that "patterns
    of diversification and extinction of organisms are documented
    in the fossil record. The fossil record provides evidence of
    simple, bacteria-like life back as far as 3.8+ billion years
    ago." Another example: "Natural selection and its
    evolutionary consequences provide a scientific explanation for
    the fossil record that correlates with geochemical (e.g.,
    radioisotope) dating results. The distribution of fossil and
    modern organisms is related to geological and ecological
    changes (i.e. plate tectonics, migration.)" At this point,
    the standards add, "'Understand' does not mandate 'belief.'"

    The twelfth grade earth and space science standard states
    "students will develop an understanding of . . . the formation
    and organization of the earth system and the organization and
    development of the universe." "Students will develop an
    understanding of the origin and evolution of the dynamic earth
    system." "The students will understand . . . the geological
    time scale and how it relates to the history of the earth."
    In addition, "Students will develop an understanding of the
    organization of the universe, and its development." "The
    students will understand" "expansion of the universe from a
    hot dense early state." Regarding the later, examples given
    are that "By studying the light emitted from distant galaxies,
    it has been found that galaxies are moving apart from one
    another. Cosmological understanding including the Big Bang
    Theory is based on this expansion." Also required is an
    understanding of the "organization and development of stars,
    solar systems, and planets." As an example, "Nebula, from
    which stars and planets form, are mostly hydrogen and helium.
    Heavier elements were, and continue to be, made by the nuclear
    fusion reactions in stars. The sun is a second generation
    star, which along with its planets was formed billion of years
    after the Big Bang."

    The introduction to the revised set of standards states:
    "These standards should not be viewed as a state curriculum
    nor as requiring a specific local curriculum. A curriculum is
    the way content is organized and presented in the classroom.
    The content embodied in these standards can be organized and
    presented with many different emphases and perspectives in
    many different curricula." The standards are to be used in
    "assessing students' progress" and "they will serve as the
    foundation for the development of state assessments in

    The standards may be viewed at http://www.ksbe.state.ks.us/

    Richard M .Jones
    Public Information Division
    The American Institute of Physics
    (301) 209-3095

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