Re: PCA Creation Report

From: Jack Haas (
Date: Tue Feb 13 2001 - 13:16:05 EST

  • Next message: Joel Z Bandstra: "RE: Miracles and Science"


    I should know better than to attempt to evaluate the work of religious
    bodies to which I do not belong. Go read the document!

    Here is a quote from late in the report:


    We, therefore, recommend the following:

    That the Creation Study Committees report, in its entirety, be distributed
    to all sessions and presbyteries of the PCA and made available for others
    who wish to study it. Adopted

    That since historically in Reformed theology there has been a diversity of
    views of the creation days among highly respected theologians, and, since
    the PCA has from its inception allowed a diversity, that the Assembly affirm
    that such diversity as covered in this report is acceptable as long as the
    full historicity of the creation account is accepted. Adopted as amended

    That this study committee be dismissed with thanks. Adopted"


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: <>
    To: <>
    Cc: <>
    Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 12:49 PM
    Subject: Re: PCA Creation Report

    > In a message dated Tue, 13 Feb 2001 7:57:06 AM Eastern Standard Time,
    "Jack Haas" <> writes:
    > << I have placed the Presbyterian Church of America Report on Creation at
    the ASA web site. This long (perhaps 60 pages, depending on your font size)
    document reflects the desire of a conservative denomination to come to grips
    with our favorite topic. Although there is something that will offend
    everyone, this careful and comprehensive study lays out the subject in an
    impartial fashion that provides a reading of the values and problems of the
    major views and concludes that the church should be able to live with
    diversity. >>
    > I obviously haven't taken the time to read the document yet. But I did
    read the article by John McIntyre in the December issue of Perspectives on
    Science and Christian Faith which had the brief statement adopted by the
    > That statement, as reported in the article, appeared to take a hard-line
    "creationist" position, leaving no room for anything besides instantaneous
    fiat creation in six literal days (maybe a little wiggle room for the days
    to be more than 24 hours).
    > How could a study that "concludes that the church should be able to live
    with diversity" produce such a narrow summary statement?
    > Is the "live with diversity" part just that they did not declare those who
    disagree with their narrow interpretation to be heretics?
    > Or was the statement quoted in the PSCF article independent of the
    document you pointed us to?
    > Allan Harvey,

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