Re: Kelly Creation and Change

Date: Mon Feb 12 2001 - 22:35:53 EST

  • Next message: Bill Payne: "Re: Miracles and Science"

    David Campbell wrote:

    << Has anyone read Douglas Kelly's Creation and Change? I have only been
    able to locate a couple of website selling it, neither of which states what
    views are endorsed. It is cited as further reading in the study I am working
     Thanks! >>

    I took an interest recently in the PCA debate and read Kelly's book. He takes
    Gen 1-11 as straightforward absolutely literal history and rejects any
    interpretation that would oppose such an approach. He rejects evolution,
    citing the usual sources: Denton, Philip Johnson, the out of context quote
    from David Raup. He thinks the Flood can explain all the fossils and
    geological structures.

    In spite of this bad beginning he has some good stuff refuting the Framework
    Hypothesis, especially the comments from U. Cassuto's commentary on Genesis.

    He buys into creation science lock, stock and barrel, believing that in time
    it will present a new paradigm (a la Kuhn) that will replace the present one
    of uniformitarianism.


    PS: I got my copy by library loan. It came from Bob Jones University

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