Re: Flood

Date: Sun Jul 16 2000 - 00:06:25 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: Flood"

    Diane (Allen?) Roy wrote

    << Glenn accepts Actualism. As a Creationary Catastrophist, I accept
    Actualism up to the point that it conflicts with Biblical witness evidence.
    Witness evidence has more authority than any philosophical tenet (not the
    other way around). >>

    Where we have a divine revelation, this principle is sound. But if you have
    the idea that the historical books of the Bible qua history are revelations
    from God or that the science in the Bible is a divine revelation rather than
    an accommodation, that itself is a philosophical tenet. There is no divine
    revelation, no biblical claim, that either the history or the science in the
    Bible is a divine revelation.


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