RE: End of Cheap oil

From: glenn morton (
Date: Sat Jul 15 2000 - 17:04:37 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: Flood"

    At 06:35 PM 7/15/00 -0400, Vandergraaf, Chuck wrote:
    Wendee wrote of her log cabin home with outhouse:
    >> I would love to live like that again, and actually we have plans to
    >> live more like that one day again.

    When most people lived like that, it meant high death rates from hepatitis
    and other diseases because the outhouse waste drained into the neighbor's
    well. Most of us wouldn't like to go live in those conditions. Your farm
    may have been isolated from others. In cities just 200 years ago, people
    died from drinking well water because it was so polluted with human waste.
    Yum Yum! What a way for humanity to live again.

    >>But for now my husband is employed
    >> by an oil company (he is a chemist). Yes the company contributes to
    >> the problem. Yes I contribute to the problem when I drive or use AC.
    >> But I would rather help initiate larger changes in society that look
    >> to the future than *only* change my individual lifestyles.

    Chuck replies
    >Wendee, as long as you worship at the altar of convenience, you are part of
    >the problem and not part of the solution.

    Concerning AC down here in the south: I went to Scotland at the end of June
    to visit the office over there. The air on July first was cold enough for
    the moisture in my breath to condense. When I came back Houston and felt
    the nearly 100 degree temperature, I was eager to get home to my
    airconditioned townhouse(I had left the AC on because my cat was in the
    house with lots of food and water). I opened the door to find my cat
    panting in a 91 degree house--my airconditioner's compressor had broken
    while I was away. Both my wife and son were also gone so that poor cat was
    on her second day of that temperature. Since it took 4 more days to get the
    AC repaired, Me, the cat, and eventually my wife and son when they returned
    got to spend time in our 91 degree, 95% humidity house over the next few
    days. I will tell you that it was miserable. No one in their right mind,
    if offered a choice of AC vs. the summer heat here would turn down the
    offer of airconditioning. That is why I knew Wendee had airconditioning.
    Everyone here has it unless you are among the most extremely destitute or

    So, as Chuck points out, we are all the problem. I don't want my grandkids
    to live like my great grand parents. Because of that, I will do what I can
    to help solve or delay the day of reckoning. I just wish the
    environmentalists would realize that the choices are not easy ones and
    going back to a world like that of the 19th century means most of us will
    have to die.

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