Re: End of Cheap oil

From: glenn morton (
Date: Sat Jul 15 2000 - 05:39:05 EDT

  • Next message: glenn morton: "Re: End of Cheap oil"

    At 09:56 PM 7/14/00 -0500, Wendee Holtcamp wrote:
    > Glenn wrote:
    >>I write this as a person whose responsibility it is to find new oil
    >>sources. While we have been wildly successful over the past 3 years,
    >>group hasn't been able to change the facts outlined below by much
    >more than
    >>a dent.
    >Well why don't we just destroy vast wilderness areas like Alaska's
    >Arctic National Wildlife Refige? Let's denigrate Creation in the name
    >of the world's oil-God!

    I am not advocating the denigration of anything. The world has some very
    difficult choices to make over the next 40 years. The last thing an oil man
    wants is spilled oil--it is a lose-lose situation for everyone.

    >>"At current rates of consumption, known reserves of Petroleum will be
    >>in about thirty-five years; natural gas in fifty-two years; and coal
    >I've been hearing these stats for some 10-15 years now. You get
    >different numbers every few years, projecting the known reserves to
    >last another 10 years or so. I tend to agree oil will eventually run
    >out, but certainly not before big-money destroys all the last great
    >wild places. And if you've been to Alaska, you know how absolutely
    >amazing and irreplaceable it is.

    This is not per se an environmental issue, except as it relates to the
    environment that modern man has created for himself. I am always amazed by
    people who denigrate the energy companies and environmental degradation,
    while driving their big cars, living in airconditioned homes, eating food
    from the refrigerator which uses lots of energy, washing their clothes in
    hot water (which took energy to heat) and jet away on foreign vacations
    using that nasty old oil to fly safely. It always seems just a bit odd to

    >> First, the auto will be a thing of the past--period. Enjoy your cars
    >>you can. People will either have to telecommute, bicycle to work like
    >>Chinese, or lose their jobs. Cities like Houston, where there are
    >>commute distances requiring lots of gasoline, simply won't be viable
    >in the
    >Halellujia for that!! If only it were so.

    Have you given up your car, yet??? Do you live in a heated home? I would
    suggest that you lead the way for the rest of us and show us how to do
    without automobiles, trains, polluting buses, heated homes etc. Live by
    your beliefs.
    Don't preach if you aren't willing to give these things up NOW!

    I wish we could return to
    >agriarian societies where we drove horse and cart. That would be so
    >incredible. Ah to be able to breathe the fresh air and not
    >asthma-causing smog. (and I do live in Houston).

    Ah, living in Houston, home of the big commute. I know you have
    airconditioning in your car, airconditioning in your home, in your office,
    give it all up so that you can live consistently with your belief system.
    Until you do, I don't think you really have much of a leg to stand on here.
    >Better start training now for conservation work! :)

    So, how much money are you selling your car for? Have you placed your ad in
    the Houston Comical, err, I mean Chronicle? BTW, as of this morning, I now
    own no cars (but I do drive a rental for the next two weeks.


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