Re: End of Cheap oil

From: glenn morton (
Date: Sat Jul 15 2000 - 05:42:19 EDT

  • Next message: Vandergraaf, Chuck: "RE: End of Cheap oil"

    At 08:24 AM 7/15/00 -0400, George Murphy wrote:

    > 3) We've got to get over our terror of nuclear power, a terror based in
    >part on ignorance. Of course it isn't 100% safe but neither are any of
    the other energy
    >sources. & of course it isn't inexhaustible - earth has a finite amount
    of uranium too.
    >Wayne suggests fusion which in theory is great, but 50 years of work
    haven't gotten us
    >very far toward anything that might be commercially feasible fusion power.

    The scary thing to me is that the fusion power problem won't be solved soon
    enough. To me that is the only really feasible long-term solution. We need
    energy and we need it in a big way.

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