Re: ID:philosophy or scientific theory?

From: George Murphy (
Date: Wed Mar 08 2000 - 22:13:51 EST

  • Next message: Keith B Miller: "Re: ID and Genesis Reconsidered"

    glenn morton wrote:
    > He too lost his faith because he couldn't see any
    > reason to believe the Bible especially given the apologetical choices.
    > Now, my question to this group is, who is at fault? Is it those who lose
    > faith, or those who failed to supply reasonable answers?

            But what is a "reasonable answer"? The fundamental claim of Christianity -
    that the key to the deepest understanding fo a person's life & of the world is revealed
    in a man getting nailed to a cross - is not "reasonable" by the standards of either
    commonsense theism or up & down the street naturalism. All attempts to make it
    reasonable in terms of those standards distorts it. It is necessary instead to point
    out that neither scientific nor theological claims are to be assessed in terms of a
    priori plausibility (which the cross does not have) but in terms of their ability to
    make sense of the largest body of experience.
            I realize by now that this sort of statement will draw only puzzled looks from
    most people on this list, bewitched as we seem to be by the notion that the flood & the
    garden of Eden are the articles by which the church stands & falls. & no, the fact that
    skeptics want to talk about those issues doesn't mean that Christians have to get their
    priorities messed up & fail to begin at the beginning.
            BTW, has anyone noticed that very little that's discussed on this list makes any
    reference to Christ?

    George L. Murphy

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